Historical Reference
Covering the 1980's
2nd Dojo

Above is our second dojo in North Melbourne. Jim Chambers is sitting under the the word Martial in this picture. Looks like John on the far left and Rick entering the door. Our first dojo was in the YMCA recreation center on the second floor. I can't find any old pictures from that location. Sadly, I don't have any pictures from the 1970's either.


BB Group

Above we have the black belts under Sensei Bob Ostovich. From left to right we have Bob Ostovich, Dan Cochran, Angela Boyer, Jim Chambers, Rick Digiovanni, and John Delaney. You can see our round patches on our gi's. Those were Joe Hess Self Defense Systems patches because we changed from USA Goju to an independent system.


Bob O Bob O

Bob O

My Karate Father is Sensei Bob Ostovich, he is holding the Sai and performing a split above. The other picture show Jim Chambers taking a break from Kickboxing, Angela Boyer, and Bob Ostovich


Ang Ang Ang

Above is Sensei Angela Boyer.


John John

Above is Sensei John Delaney. Pictures were taken out of an old video we created of him performing kata.


Dojo Dojo

Above are pictures from within our second dojo. These were all things that Bob Ostovich had collected. I always enjoyed seeing those items from his past. I still try to save things like that.


Jim Jim

Above is Sensei Jim Chambers. First one is messing around between kick boxing rounds. The second is just a picture taken for the movies. Actually, we provided pictures to someone in the industry in case they needed some extras.


I believe Sensei Angela Boyer took all of the still pictures. She was quite the shutter bug. It's a good thing else there would not be any pictures from this era! Thanks Ang! We are forever in your debt!